Saturday, September 28th, 2024

Sunright Limited FY2024 Financial Summary and Investor Guidance

Report Summary

Date of Report: 27 September 2024
Financial Year Reporting: Full Year Ended 31 July 2024

Key Financial Facts:

  1. Revenue: For FY2024, the company reported a revenue of S$82.0 million, a decrease of 7% compared to S$88.3 million in FY2023. The decrease was primarily due to reduced equipment sales in the computer and smartphone markets.

  2. Net Profit: The Group reported a net profit of S$2.26 million for FY2024, a turnaround from a net loss of S$3.6 million in FY2023.

  3. Other Income: Other income increased significantly to S$10.8 million in FY2024, largely due to higher gains on the disposal of property, plant, and equipment.

  4. Expenses:

    • Raw materials and consumables costs were down by 21% in FY2024, in line with reduced equipment sales.
    • Depreciation costs increased by 12% to S$15.1 million, reflecting the commissioning of additional machinery and equipment.
  5. Dividends: The company did not declare any dividends for FY2024, as there was no profit available from the company’s current or retained earnings.

  6. Cash Flow:

    • Net cash flow from operating activities was S$12.5 million, indicating healthy cash generation.
    • Cash and short-term deposits increased by 7% to S$95.1 million.

Special Activities or Actions to Improve Profitability:

  • The company engaged in the disposal of property, plant, and equipment, resulting in a gain that contributed to other income.
  • Sunright Limited is adjusting its production plans to remain agile in response to market challenges and opportunities. Additionally, it is accelerating its marketing efforts for product solutions across a broader range of applications.

Investor Action Points:

For Current Holders:

  • Given the company’s return to profitability in FY2024 and its positive cash flow, existing investors may hold their positions in anticipation of further improvements in operational efficiency and market recovery.
  • Investors should remain cautious about potential market fluctuations and global economic conditions, as highlighted in the company’s market outlook.

For Potential Investors:

  • Potential investors could consider buying into the stock due to the company’s turnaround from a net loss in the previous year to profitability in FY2024, along with strong cash reserves.
  • However, investors should be mindful of the ongoing market uncertainties, such as semiconductor industry trends, geopolitical tensions, and the company’s performance in future quarters.

Notable Points for Investors:

  • The semiconductor industry’s dynamics and global trade tensions could significantly impact the company’s business. Therefore, investors should monitor the market environment and geopolitical developments.
  • The company has shown resilience through cost control measures and adapting its product portfolio to market demands.


The above recommendations are based solely on the information provided in Sunright Limited’s FY2024 financial report. They do not constitute financial advice. Investors are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with financial professionals before making any investment decisions.

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