Saturday, September 21st, 2024

Karin Technology Holdings Limited: FY2024 Final Dividend Record Date and Payment Information

Key Facts and Investor Actions:

  1. Proposed Final Dividend: HK3.88 cents per share for the financial year ending 30 June 2024.

  2. Record Date:

    • The corrected Record Date is 7 November 2024.
    • The company had previously stated 28 October 2024 but updated it to 7 November 2024 in the latest notification.
  3. Dividend Payment Date:

    • The final dividend will be paid on 20 November 2024.
    • Earlier communication indicated a 14 November 2024 payment date, which has since been revised.
  4. Share Transfer Details:

    • Duly completed share transfers must be received by 5:00 p.m. on 7 November 2024 to be eligible for the dividend. These transfers should be sent to the Singapore Share Transfer Agent, Tricor Barbinder Share Registration Services, Republic Plaza, Singapore.

Special Notes for Investors:

  • Ensure all share transfers are completed by the Record Date of 7 November 2024.
  • The corrected payment date is now 20 November 2024. Investors should take note of this revision to avoid confusion based on earlier announcements.


The document provides all the necessary details for shareholders regarding the final dividend for FY2024. Investors should focus on the updated Record Date and Dividend Payment Date for accurate planning.