Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

Category: SGX corporate News

HG Metal Manufacturing Announces Rights Issue: Key Dates and Eligibility for Shareholders

HG Metal Manufacturing Announces Rights Issue: Key Details for Shareholders HG Metal Manufacturing Announces Rights Issue: Key Details for Shareholders HG Metal Manufacturing Limited has announced a proposed renounceable non-underwritten rights issue, aiming to...

VibroPower Corporation Takeover: Mandatory Cash Offer Declared Unconditional as Offeror Secures Majority Stake

VibroPower Shares Surge as Offer Turns Unconditional VibroPower Shares Surge as Offer Turns Unconditional In a significant development for VibroPower Corporation Limited, the Offeror, Mr. Benedict Chen Onn Meng, has declared his mandatory conditional...

Green Esteel Launches Mandatory Cash Offer for HG Metal Manufacturing: Key Details of the S$0.266 Per Share Bid

Green Esteel’s Bold Takeover Bid for HG Metal Manufacturing Green Esteel’s Bold Takeover Bid for HG Metal Manufacturing Green Esteel Pte. Ltd. has announced a mandatory conditional general cash offer to acquire all the...

Light Water Secures ‘Outstanding Listed Company Award’ for 5th Consecutive Year, Showcasing Sustainable Growth in Water Treatment Industry

光大水務榮獲五連冠:環保創新引領未來 光大水務榮獲五連冠:環保創新引領未來 中國光大水務有限公司(「光大水務」),一家專注於水環境綜合治理的環保集團,近日再次獲得「傑出上市公司大獎」,這是該公司連續第5年獲此殊榮。該獎項由中國內地及香港兩地的知名媒體《鳳凰網港股》及《am730》聯合頒發,旨在表彰在業務發展、環境、社會、管治等方面表現突出的香港上市企業。 光大水務在2024年內取得了多項成就,包括在山東和河南等地投資污水處理項目,並簽署多個工業廢水處理相關合同,展示了其在「泛水」領域的強大實力。此外,公司廣東南雄畜禽糞污資源化利用項目已於年內投運,進一步拓展至面源污染治理和農村環境治理領域。 公司持續推廣的「廠內光伏」項目,通過廠區內的光伏發電設施提供綠色電力,截至2024年11月底,已在7個項目中運營,裝機容量達14兆瓦,全年可產生1300萬千瓦時的電力。這一舉措不僅提升了經濟效益,也促進了低碳發展。 光大水務的產業鏈佈局涵蓋原水保護、供水、市政及工業污水處理、中水回用、流域治理等全業務範圍,業務覆蓋中國多個省市及海外毛里求斯,設計水處理能力總計約770萬立方米/日。 這一系列成就和持續創新表明,光大水務不僅在水環境綜合治理領域保持領先地位,還在可持續發展方面持續發力,為投資者提供了信心,也可能影響公司股價的表現。 光大水務將繼續聚焦「泛水」概念,支持國家重大戰略,推動經濟、環境和社會的共同可持續發展。 Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. View...

Everbright Water Clinches “ListCo Excellence Award” for 5th Consecutive Year: Pioneering Sustainable Water Management in China

China Everbright Water’s Fifth Consecutive Excellence Award Spurs Confidence in Future Growth China Everbright Water’s Fifth Consecutive Excellence Award Spurs Confidence in Future Growth China Everbright Water Limited, a leading environmental protection company specializing...

Ascent Bridge Limited Secures SGX Approval for 17.4 Million Share Placement, Updates Shareholder Details

Ascent Bridge Limited’s Proposed Share Placement: A Potential Game Changer Ascent Bridge Limited’s Proposed Share Placement: A Potential Game Changer Ascent Bridge Limited’s board has announced a significant development in the company’s financial strategy:...

Koyo Engineering Secures $13.3 Million Fire Protection and M&E Contract, Boosting Order Book to $198 Million

Koyo International Secures Multi-Million Dollar Contract in Singapore Koyo International Secures Multi-Million Dollar Contract in Singapore Koyo International Limited has announced a significant business win, with its wholly owned subsidiary, Koyo Engineering (S.E. Asia)...

GSS Energy Launches Renounceable Rights Issue: Key Dates and Details for Shareholders

GSS Energy Announces Rights Issue: A Potential Game-Changer for Shareholders GSS Energy Announces Rights Issue: A Potential Game-Changer for Shareholders GSS Energy Limited has revealed a significant corporate action that could impact its stock...

GSS Energy Secures SGX-ST Approval for Massive Rights Issue of Up to 607 Million New Shares

GSS Energy’s Bold Rights Issue: A Game Changer for Shareholders? GSS Energy’s Bold Rights Issue: A Game Changer for Shareholders? GSS Energy Limited has announced a significant financial development that could impact its share...

GSS Energy Announces S$7.9 Million Rights Issue to Repay Loan and Boost Working Capital

GSS Energy’s Bold Rights Issue: A Game Changer for Shareholders? GSS Energy’s Bold Rights Issue: A Game Changer for Shareholders? GSS Energy Limited has unveiled plans for a significant capital restructuring through a proposed...